Contribute towards the ornaments decorating the Lord in this unique alankara.
Sponsor the colourful and fragrant flowers that will be used throughout the festival for offering to Lord Jagannatha and for the decoration of the Ratha.
Contribute towards decorating Lord Jagannatha with fine garments and colourful flower garlands in a magnificent Ratha.
Contribute towards the special naivedya offering made to Lord Jagannatha on this day.
Contribute towards the feeding of Jagannatha prasadam to all the devotees on this auspicious day.
Ratha Yatra (Festival of Chariots) is one of the world’s oldest religious festivals, originally celebrated in Jagannath Puri. By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada this festival is now being celebrated all over the world in all ISKCON temples.
You can sponsor the decorations for the Ratha and the naivedya of Their Lordships by taking part in this seva. {{btnText}}
This year, the Ratha Yatra at Puri will be celebrated on 07 July. On the same day, we will be conducting a similar Ratha Yatra for Their Lordships Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra at Vaikuntha Hill, ISKCON Bangalore.
Become a part of this wonderful festival and receive the special mercy of Lord Jagannatha on Ratha Yatra day.
You can sponsor the decorations for the Ratha and the naivedya of Their Lordships by taking part in this seva. {{btnText}}
Contribute towards the ornaments decorating the Lord in this unique alankara.
Sponsor the colourful and fragrant flowers that will be used throughout the festival for offering to Lord Jagannatha and for the decoration of the Ratha.
Contribute towards decorating Lord Jagannatha with fine garments and colourful flower garlands in a magnificent Ratha.
Contribute towards the special naivedya offering made to Lord Jagannatha on this day.
Contribute towards the feeding of Jagannatha prasadam to all the devotees on this auspicious day.